From Paperwork to Efficiency: How Clean Getaways Transformed Operations with Operto Teams

Clean Getaways, founded in 2015 by Christine Dochterman, specializes in providing cleaning, maintenance, and vacation rental management services in the scenic Kern River Valley, California. With a reputation for high-quality service and attention to detail, Clean Getaways has become a trusted partner for property owners in the area. Christine’s commitment to maintaining exceptional standards has helped the company stand out in a competitive market, attracting clients who value reliability and professionalism. 

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As the business expanded, taking on additional properties and services to support owners and guests, operational challenges increased. The team relied on thorough but time-consuming manual processes for managing schedules, bookings, and client communications. Extensive paperwork and constant coordination added to administrative strain and limited the company’s ability to grow further. 

The Challenges

As Clean Getaways rapidly grew, the upcoming summer season felt daunting. Their management process, though effective, was becoming unsustainable with the expansion. Operations were managed diligently through a highly manual process involving extensive paperwork — hand-written job slips, hard copy checklists and stocking lists, verification sheets, clipboards, and calendars.  “We added so many accounts from last summer to this summer, I was fearful things were going to fall through the cracks,” shared Christine. 

Each Monday was a dreaded marathon catching up from the weekend. “We were spending hours and hours every Monday morning,” Christine said.

 “After a weekend full of guests, we had to make sure we caught any new bookings coming in and ensure the schedule was still valid for all the cleaners. Then we had to verify all the calendars, write job slips for each job that the cleaners would take in their clipboard, confirm any required maintenance, and write all the supply lists. That was Monday morning before the cleaners even came in — all manual.”

With the business quickly expanding, Christine recognized the need for a more efficient way to manage operations but struggled to find the time to research solutions.

The Operto Solution

The turning point came when Operto called Christine. She wasn’t actively looking for a solution, but its value became immediately clear. Despite initial hesitation due to the timing of a busy summer season ahead — and the drastic change from the manual systems they had used for years — she realized that Operto Teams was the solution she had been searching for. 


The onboarding process was phased, which allowed the team to get accustomed to the new system. Christine onboarded a few key clients and staff members first, allowing them to test the system and provide feedback. This staggered approach helped ensure a smooth transition for the entire team. Initial staff members using the system were trained, and in turn helped onboard their peers, making the transition smooth and efficient. 

Once the system was fully live, the transformation was immediate. Operto Teams automated Clean Getaways’ previously manual tasks. Cleaners now received digital job slips with detailed instructions, including photos of how properties should be set up. Invoicing processes were streamlined. Property owners gained real-time visibility to view schedules, inspect photos, and upload specific requests. This gave them more control over their rentals while freeing Christine from the never-ending cycle of emails, texts, and paper trails.

“The owners all love it,” Christine shared. “They can see everything — cleaning schedules, quality inspections, photos of their properties. It’s transformed how we communicate with them. We’ve had nothing but great feedback from the property owners.”

"I can't imagine going back to the old way of doing things. I tell everyone — you can't afford to not have Operto."

Clean Getaways Logo

Benefits & Results

Since implementing Operto Teams, Clean Getaways has experienced remarkable results. The operational inefficiencies that once consumed hours of Christine’s time each week were drastically reduced, allowing her to focus on growing the business rather than managing day-to-day tasks.

“I used to be glued to my phone. In the past week alone, I’ve saved 12 hours of ‘screen time’. The most valuable thing for me is that I can relax and not constantly worry that something might be missed with all the moving pieces,” said Christine.

Through the implementation of Operto Teams, Clean Getaways has successfully:

  • Streamlined operations: The cumbersome paper-based system was replaced by a digital platform that automated scheduling, cleaning assignments, and owner communications.
  • Maximized time savings: Christine has saved over 12 hours per week simply by eliminating the need to constantly monitor her phone for updates. Operto’s automated system manages bookings, schedules, and communications, giving her and her staff more time for higher-value tasks.
  • Increased transparency for owners: Property owners now have access to a dashboard where they can see real-time updates on their properties, including photos and inspection reports. This increased visibility has led to higher owner satisfaction and better communication.
  • Improved cleaning quality: With cleaners now required to upload photos after each job, there has been a noticeable improvement in the quality and thoroughness of cleans, and more accountability. 
  • Rapidly grown business: Since implementing Operto, Clean Getaways has grown their property portfolio by 27% in just two months. This growth would have been impossible without the efficiencies gained from Operto. 

Key results:


  • Fully automated their cleaning operations
  • Saved over 12 hours per week in administrative tasks
  • Increased client base by 27% in the first 2 months
  • Increased projected annual revenue by 48%
  • Improved cleaning quality and accountability 
  • Enhanced owner satisfaction, and became more attractive to prospective clients with improved processes

In Christine’s words, “I can’t imagine going back to the old way of doing things. Operto has been a game-changer for us. The time saved, the increased control for our clients, and the ability to take on more properties without drowning in paperwork have made it invaluable. I haven’t ever been able to plan my life more than 30 days in advance, and I now know everything that’s on the books so far for the next year. I tell everyone—you can’t afford not to have Operto.”

What’s next for Clean Getaways?

With the operational foundations solidly in place, Christine is focusing on the future of Clean Getaways. The success with Operto has opened new opportunities previously unthinkable given the operational bottlenecks faced before. 

With more time available, Christine is looking to launch an online concierge service through Operto that will allow guests to order personalized add-ons, such as birthday packages, anniversary packages, massages, grocery delivery, and more. This will enhance the guest experience and open new revenue streams for the business. 

Christine is also focused on further employee training and introducing employee appreciation initiatives — things that had previously been on the back burner due to lack of time. 

For Clean Getaways, Operto Teams has been a game-changer. What started as a manual, paper-heavy operation is now a streamlined, efficient business that continues to grow. The solution has saved countless hours of administrative work, reduced stress, improved service quality, and allowed Christine to grow her business significantly in a short amount of time.

Clean Getaways is now positioned for further growth, and with Operto at the center of their operations, Christine is confident that whatever challenges come next, they will be well-prepared to handle them.