Streamlined Payroll Reports

Make payroll a breeze with reliable and efficient time tracking.

Accurate and efficient time tracking

Time tracking in the web-based portal is recorded even when a staff member is offline. The tracked data fuels a quick and efficient payroll process.
Operto Teams Cleaner payments
Time is noted in accounting terms
Time tracking data is reported in decimal-notation which allows for easy translation of time to dollars for payroll purposes.
Operto Teams pay-by-time report

Manage hourly and piece-rate staff compensation

Whether your employees are paid hourly or piece rate, Operto Teams provides flexibility with both.

Operto Teams pay details
“With [Operto Teams] we are able to generate reports to better evaluate where our resources are being used and where we can find efficiencies. We’ve saved time and achieved better accuracy over the paper timecards we were using in the past. Our vendors especially love the software – they’ve even tried to get their other clients to use it since it’s made their workflow so much better. Lastly, we’ve been able to get reports tailored to our needs. Thank you!”

– Danna K, Owner

 rated 4.9/5 on Capterra

More features to save you time

Preventative maintenance and ongoing requests from staff and guests—all in one place.
Checklists for each unique property with photo/video reference for cleaners.
Time tracking for payroll reports and instant visibility on property status.
Customizable owner dashboards provide control over what owners see.
Save hours of time automating schedules by integrating reservation data.
Property-specific linen reports to ensure cleaners have the supplies they need.
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Learn how payroll reports can save you time